06.14.16 - Nikola One

A New Big Rig to Help the Environment


06.14.16 - Nikola One

There could be a new turbine powered big rig on the market that will be able to give us more power than the ones we have now and be better for the environment. These turbine powered big rigs are expected to use compressed natural gas as their fuel and will come from Nikola Motor Company. This new big rig is expected to revolutionize the market of over the road trucking and give us a new way to have a great vehicle to be the right one to haul the loads we have to the stores around the country and be much better for our atmosphere.

This new vehicle is called the Nikola One which is an AWD electric and natural gas powered vehicle that will give us 2000 horsepower and 3700 lb.-ft. of torque. The Nikola One will offer up to 1200 miles of range per tank of natural gas which is twice as much as a regular big rig that is powered by diesel. The Nikola One will be capable of pulling a load up a six percent incline at 65 mph while being able to enjoy the fuel mileage of 10-15 mpg.

Using a turbine-hybrid engine makes perfect sense in the world of heavy hauling because this engine can give you instant maximum torque that is provided by the electric motors and give you the reduction in gearing needed to haul the products to the destination. This powertrain is what is used by most train locomotives but they use a diesel electric setup which makes changing to the natural gas model one that makes a difference. With the numbers provided and the instant torque the Nikola One will be capable of accelerating twice as quickly as a typical diesel powered rig.

The Nikola One will also have torque vectoring to give better traction, cornering and braking to ensure the wheels that need the power have it. The shape of this truck is more aerodynamic than most trucks on the road today. Because this powertrain will take up thirty percent less space than a typical powertrain there is more room for those who buy this truck to make it their home on the road with room for two full size beds, a closet, a rear refrigerator and freezer, a microwave and a forty-inch TV to give you many of the creature comforts of home when you have to stop on the road.

Because this obviously is a truck that is a bit of an experiment the first 5000 buyers will receive one million miles of free fuel. After this the 50 CNG refueling stations that Nikola will own will offer the fuel at $1.50 per gallon which is much less expensive than typical diesel fuel. Of course the Nikola One will cost around $375,000 each which is much more expensive than a typical rig which can be reserved for $1,500 as a cost to keep your place in line for one of the most environmentally friendly and comfortable big rigs on the market today.

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