Woman Driving

Buying and Maintaining a Car: The Female Experience


Woman Driving

Argue if you must, but there are some ways in which females are still discriminated against, and a great deal of said discrimination happens during the car buying and car repair process. All too often, unsuspecting women are taken across by opportunistic salesman, mechanics, and other service station people. It’s time we all stop this madness, and we begin by educating ourselves.

A girl walks into an oil change facility. She is driving a brand new car with the traditional 3000 miles on it and says she needs an oil change. The members of the staff check the mileage on the car, and then smile and say okay. What they don’t tell her if that the car takes synthetic oil and doesn’t yet need an oil change, that it can travel 4000 miles more before she has to think about it. They happily charge $85 and send her on her way. It is not until she reads the “next service” sticker that she connects the dots. So, what did she do wrong?

First, she went into the situation blindly. Part of owning a new car is knowing something about it, and doing some research, however boring it may seem. Had she done a small amount of research, she would have known the difference in synthetic and non-synthetic oil and known that she didn’t yet need to have the oil changed. However, the oil change facility must take responsibility in this instance as well, they could easily have pulled her aside and told her that her car did not need to have the oil changed just yet.

As an advocate for education of all kinds, women aren’t necessarily given a fair shake when it comes to even basic service. Personally, the development of a friendly relationship with a mechanic has proven fruitful, as he is forthright and honest. He doesn’t do superfluous work, doesn’t overcharge for labor, and if you’re waiting, he guides you through the process of what he’s doing. The service station in which he works is tiny, and only two mechanics work there, but they are revered in the town in which they are located.

For decades, women have been enlisting men to join them when searching for the right new car, so they don’t get taken across during the negotiating process. A great deal of women don’t feel comfortable negotiating, but this number is rapidly decreasing as we have become more assertive in our careers and other aspects of our lives. However, do male salesmen still see women as an easy target? Even worse, do female salespeople see their fellow females in the same way?

After asking a couple different people, a female salesperson stated that she has made equal profits from both men and women, and her biggest profit came from a man on a used vehicle. She also, however, admitted that she doesn’t discriminate, but there are certainly salespeople that do. Whether it is miscellaneous add-ons or just not budging on the price, are women the victims of cunning salespeople or do we need to accept some of the blame?

Long ago, women were depicted as the damsels in distress, the weak little princess the needed a man to save her. As we’ve evolved, however, we’ve become stronger and more self-assured when it comes to most of the facets of our lives, such as our careers, dating, and most of all the well-being of our families. So, why are we not preparing for the car buying and maintenance process with the same amount of gusto?

Knowing your deal breakers before you even enter the showroom is important, and can end up saving you some money as you won’t be easily swayed when it comes to add-ons. Go to the dealership with specific models and features in mind, and be prepared for the hard sale. Even if you’re in love with the vehicle, play it cool and don’t be overzealous. Zeal can get you into trouble.

When it comes to maintaining your vehicle, know the basics yourself. Watch YouTube videos, ask someone, or read about it, but learn! Knowing how to change your own oil and brakes and also how to repair a flat is imperative knowledge. Educate yourself about your car. Obtain a general overview, and be able to name some of the key parts. Being armed with knowledge is the best way to prevent being taken advantage of.

So you’re asking; can’t all of these pieces of wisdom apply to men as well, and the answer is yes. However, studies have shown that women are treated far differently than men in this particular industry and men are often offered better deals than women, even by female salespeople! We may never be able to change this, but knowledge is power. Knowing something about what you’re looking for is the best way to arm yourself in the daunting process of buying a new car.

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