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Is Tesla’s Autopilot a Good Idea?

Is Tesla's Autopilot a Good Idea?

Should your Tesla electric vehicle include the Autopilot package of advanced safety software? This system might be getting a bad rap with some drivers.

Every Tesla vehicle comes with a standard set of safety features and premium hardware to allow the vehicle to utilize the Autopilot safety system. This system includes some self-driving capabilities, which are accessed through software updates that can be upgraded and enhanced via over-the-air updates. This system could be useful for some drivers, but others might not be suited for such a system. It also might be poorly named, but we’ll get into that later.

How does this system work?

The Autopilot system enables the vehicle to steer, accelerate, and automatically brake within its lane. The features must be activated by the driver and require the driver to stay alert and pay attention. This is part of the trouble with this system; some people have become dependent on this system to do the driving for them and forget to pay attention.

Tesla incorporates Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data to develop and improve this semi-autonomous driving system. The system continually learns and improves to become more capable and closer to a fully autonomous system. The AI-integrated chips allow the Tesla Autopilot system to navigate through traffic. It’s most useful on highways, where traffic moves along smoothly, and there are fewer accidents, but it can be useful on city streets as well.

The external and internal sensors track what the vehicle is doing in every situation. Some of this information includes the driver habits, which the Autopilot system can mimic in most situations. This helps the vehicle avoid accidents and drive more like the driver.

What does the system detect?

This integrated safety system detects other vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians. In addition to detecting them, the system uses AI to predict the next movements of these potential obstacles. The data helps the Tesla vehicle decide what the next move will be and how to avoid a collision.

A Tesla vehicle uses the tech-rich system to decide the next course of action, such as changing lanes, passing the vehicle in front, brake, or accelerate.

Does Tesla collect data to improve this system?

Tesla is working toward fully autonomous vehicles. To achieve this goal, it must collect data from various Tesla vehicles. This data helps the AI system train algorithms for improvement. These improved algorithms could eventually bring autonomous driving from this automotive brand. The thousands of Tesla vehicles on the road using Autopilot provide data for the company to learn and improve the systems used in various vehicles.

Is there more than one type of Autopilot system?

Tesla offers two types of Autopilot systems for its vehicles. These systems are named Enhanced Autopilot and Full-Self Driving Capability. The Full-Self Driving Capability package builds on the Enhanced Autopilot to be more capable. Here’s what each system includes:

Enhanced Autopilot

Full-Self Driving Capability

Is it safe to use Autopilot?

The Tesla Autopilot system is twice as safe on highways as using it on city streets. This makes perfect sense because highways are generally safer and have fewer crashes than urban areas. Using systems that alert you to trouble and aid in driving safely is certainly helpful and provides a much better driving experience.

Why are some accidents associated with this system?

The Autopilot system isn’t perfect, nor is a full self-driving system. The breakdown of the radar and calibrations have caused some crashes, but its not only a system fault. Many of the crashes associated with this system involve drivers who were distracted and using the system as a replacement for a human driver. This system has not ever been advertised as a full self-driving system, but there’s a bit of a problem.

What’s in a name?

The Tesla Autopilot system could have been named much better. Ford calls its similar system Blue Cruise, and GM has Super Cruise. These names ensure you think of the cruise control function of your vehicle and how it works. Autopilot makes you think of how airplanes can fly without the pilot using the controls or paying attention for a period of time. The trouble is there’s a lot more traffic on the roads than up in the sky. Tesla could have chosen a different name, but this is what we’re stuck with.

The Tesla Autopilot system is a good idea in any vehicle because it aids the driver and provides necessary alerts. Drivers need to realize its not a replacement for them paying attention and driving their cars.

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