Lane Departure Warning

Does Technology Really Make Your Vehicle Safer?


Lane Departure Warning

Technology seems to dominate the average American’s lifestyle as well as consumers of modernized countries around the world. Our cars, trucks, and SUV’s are no exception to this new rule. There is a profuse amount of technology that has invaded our vehicles in recent years, and there are no plans to slow this trend down. Although technology has greatly enhanced our lifestyles, does it really make your vehicle safer?

True, you may argue that yes, it does make our vehicles safer and to a degree, you are right. Backup cameras, lane departure warning, lane change assist, forward collision alert, traction control devices, and many other features have saved lives and changed the way cars, trucks, and SUV’s perform. These are great safety features and I would agree, they do make vehicles safer, but what about the “convenience” features?

Remote Keyless Entry has made it so convenient to load up your arms with grocery bags and not have to dig for your keys in that enormous bag or deep pockets, but car thieves and hackers love this “convenient” feature too. They have learned how to hack remote keyless entry systems to gain access to your vehicles leaving you vulnerable. Not only can they steal your vehicle, they can wait in your backseat, making you a victim.

It used to be that a hacker had to be in proximity to your vehicle, but now would be hackers can access your vehicle remotely. Not only can these hackers unlock your vehicle, they can commandeer your vehicle controlling your windshield wipers, brakes, and steering wheel, and they can do it from across the world if they want to. The scary part is that drivers will not be able to override the hacker, which means they can drive you to any location they want, again making you a victim.

It is true, technology has made our vehicles safer, but it has also put us at great risk as consumers and drivers. Law enforcement has advised that they are able to remote control your vehicle as well, which might make you feel a little better for a minute or two, but then again, someone is still controlling your vehicle.

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